German Shepherd Breed Dog


The German Shepherd is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. Known for their intelligence, strength, protective instincts and versatility, they have become a popular choice for police and military work. They are also used as guides for the blind, rescue dogs in search-and-rescue operations, herding dogs on sheep farms, and many other types of work or show dog. In this article we explore not only the history of these dogs but also the differences between the American bloodlines and German bloodlines.

History and development

The German Shepherd Breed is a relatively new breed, having been developed in the late 19th century in Germany. The breed was created by crossing various sheepherding dogs, with the aim of producing a dog that was both an excellent herder and guard dog.

The German Shepherd quickly became one of the most popular breeds in Germany, and soon spread to other countries. The breed continued to be refined and developed over the years, with different lines being bred for different purposes. Today, German Shepherds are used as working dogs in a variety of fields, including law enforcement, search and rescue, and assistance dogs for the disabled. They are also popular as companion animals and family pets.


Difference between American and German blood lines

There are a few key differences between American and German Shepherd bloodlines. The most notable difference is in the overall size of the dogs. German Shepherds are typically larger than their American counterparts. This is due to the fact that German Shepherds were originally bred for military and police work, while American Shepherds were bred for herding and ranching.

Another key difference is in the temperament of the two types of Shepherds. German blood line is known for being highly trainable and obedient, while American Shepherds are more independent and headstrong. This again is likely due to the different purposes for which these dogs were originally bred.

So, which type of Shepherd is better? Ultimately, it depends on what you're looking for in a dog. If you want a large, trainable, and obedient dog, then a German blood line is probably your best bet. However, if you're looking for a smaller dog with a bit more personality, then an American Shepherd might be a better choice.



German Shepherd dogs are bred for their loyalty, obedience, and protective nature. They are one of the most popular breeds in the world, and are known for being great family pets. German Shepherds are intelligent and trainable, but they can also be willful and headstrong. They need firm, consistent training from an early age to reach their full potential. German Shepherds are active dogs who need plenty of exercise and stimulation to stay happy and healthy. They make great hiking or jogging partners, and love to play fetch or chase games. German Shepherds bond closely with their families and can be protective of them.

German Shepherd Breed Drive is the term used to describe the dog's natural working abilities. These include herding, guarding, and protection instincts. German Shepherds excel at obedience and agility training. They are also widely used as assistance dogs in a variety of settings.

A German Shepherd's daily exercise requirements vary depending on their age, health, and energy level. However, most German Shepherds need at least 30 minutes of moderate to high-intensity exercise every day. This can include activities such as walking, jogging, playing fetch, or swimming.

Some German Shepherds may need more than this amount of exercise if they are particularly active or have a lot of energy.

German Shepherds are a double-coated breed, meaning they have an outer coat of fur and an undercoat. The outer coat is made up of stiffer hairs, while the undercoat is softer. The undercoat helps to insulate the dog against cold weather and keeps them cool in hot weather. German Shepherds shed their undercoat twice a year, typically in the spring and fall. Some German Shepherds may shed year-round, though this is less common.

German Shepherd owners will need to brush their dog regularly to help reduce shedding. Daily brushing is best, but weekly brushing should also be done at minimum. There are special brushes made for double-coated breeds that can help to remove loose hair from the undercoat without damaging it. Shedding can be reduced by keeping your German Shepherd well-groomed and healthy. A good diet and regular exercise will help to keep their coat in good condition and minimize shedding.

Average Age
German Shepherd average age is about 9 to 13 years. Some may live longer but this is not the norm.


Bring a puppy home

When you've made the decision to bring a German Shepherd Puppy into your home, there are some things you'll need to do to prepare.

First, you'll need to make sure you have enough space for your new pup. German Shepherds are large dogs and need plenty of room to run and play. If you have a small yard, consider taking your dog to the park or on walks often.

Second, you'll need to puppy proof your home. This means getting rid of anything that could be harmful or dangerous to a small dog. Things like chemicals, cleaning supplies, and medications should be kept out of reach. You'll also want to make sure any trash bins are secure and that there are no holes or gaps in fences or gates that your pup could escape through.

Third, you'll need to gather some supplies before bringing your pup home. This includes food and water bowls, a collar and leash, toys, and treats. You may also want to buy a crate or kennel for when you need to leave your dog alone or for travel purposes.

Fourth, it's important to socialize your German Shepherd Puppy from an early age. This means exposing them to different people, places, and situations so they can learn how to behave properly around others. It's also important to begin obedience training as soon as possible so your pup knows basic commands like sit, stay, come, etc.

Potty training
The first thing you'll need to do is choose a designated area for your puppy to go to the bathroom. This could be in your backyard, or even a specific spot in your house that you take them to regularly. Once you have a designated area, make sure to take your puppy there often so they can get used to it.

The next step is to start teaching your puppy to hold it in until they get to their designated spot. This will take some time and patience, but eventually they'll learn that they need to wait until they're in their special spot before going potty. Reward your puppy with treats and praise whenever they manage to hold it in until they reach their destination.

Finally, don't forget to clean up any accidents that happen along the way. Puppies will have accidents sometimes, but if you're consistent with their training they'll learn where they're supposed to go eventually. Clean up any messes with an enzymatic cleaner specifically designed for pet stains, so that your puppy


Socialization is key for any German Shepherd Puppy. Without socialization, your puppy may become aggressive or fearful of other people and animals. The best time to socialize your German Shepherd Puppy is between the ages of 8 weeks and 4 months old. During this time, puppies are most open to new experiences.

Here are some tips for socializing your German Shepherd Puppy:

1. Introduce your puppy to as many different people as possible, including children, adults, and seniors.

2. Take your puppy to different places so he can experience different sights, sounds, and smells.

3. Enroll in a puppy class so he can learn how to interact with other puppies and dogs in a safe environment.

4. Allow your puppy to meet and greet other pets in the household in a positive way.
5. Be patient and consistent with your German Shepherd Puppy's socialization process.
By socializing your German Shepherd Puppy, you'll be setting him up for a happy and well-adjusted life.

The German shepherd puppy will need to be fed 3-4 times a day until they are about 6 months old. After that, they can be transitioned to 2 meals a day. It is important to feed them a high quality puppy food that is appropriate for their age and activity level. Puppies are growing rapidly and need lots of nutrients to support their growth. Feeding them too much food can lead to obesity and joint problems later in life.

When choosing a food for your German shepherd puppy, make sure it has adequate levels of protein and fat. Puppies need more calories than adult dogs, so look for a food that is specially formulated for growing puppies. Avoid foods that are high in fillers and low in nutrition. You should also consult with your veterinarian to see if there are any specific dietary needs that your puppy may have based on their health history or any allergies they may have.

Feeding time is also an opportunity to begin training your German shepherd puppy basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, down, come, etc. While they are eating their meal, have them sit or lie down and stay until they have finished. This will help them to learn self-control and patience.

 German shepherd puppies should be fed a high-quality puppy food until they are at least 6 months old.

Puppies need more calories than adult dogs, so look for a food that is specially formulated for growing puppies.

Feeding time is also an opportunity to begin training your German shepherd puppy basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, down, come, etc.

Training sit
A German Shepherd puppy should be trained to sit as early as possible. You can start training your puppy to sit when he is about 8 weeks old.

To train your German Shepherd Puppy to sit, you will need some patience and some treats. Start by showing your puppy the treat and then holding it in front of his nose. Say the word "sit" in a firm voice and then slowly move the treat towards the back of his head. As your puppy follows the treat with his nose, his bottom should start to lower into a sitting position. As soon as his bottom hits the ground, give him the treat and praise him in a happy voice.

If your Puppy does not seem to be getting the hang of it, you can try holding the treat in your hand and placing it on his back end so that he has to raise his bottom into the air to get it. Once he is sitting down, give him lots of praise and a few treats so that he knows he is doing something right.

With a little bit of practice, your German Shepherd Puppy will learn to sit on command in no time!

1. Start by having your puppy sit or lie down in front of you. Give the command "stay" in a firm voice and make sure your pup is looking at you.

2. Take one step back from your pup and wait for them to stay put. If they move, gently guide them back into position and give the command again.

3. Once your pup has stayed in place for a few seconds, praise them lavishly and give them a treat.

4. Repeat this process, gradually increasing the distance between you and your pup until they can stay in place even when you're out of sight.

1. Start by showing your dog a toy or object that you would like them to fetch. Let them sniff it and get acquainted with it.

2. Once they seem interested in the object, start throwing it a short distance away from you.

3. As your dog goes to retrieve the object, say "fetch" or "get it."

4. When they bring the object back to you, praise them lavishly and give them a treat as a reward.

5. With practice, you'll be able to throw the object further and further until your dog is running across the yard to fetch it.



If you have any questions or need some more info, feel free to get in touch with us.

german shepherd puppies for sale

Vom Chimonis Haus

Central New Jersey


[email protected]

Phone 609-517-4418



If you have any questions or need some more info, feel free to get in touch with us.

Vom Chimonis Haus

Central New Jersey


[email protected]

Phone 609-517-4418

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